The El Paso Associate AIA Chapter has many emerging professionals at different stages in their careers. However, all must complete the Intern Development Program as a step toward becoming a licensed architect. We would like to extend a helping hand to those who have recently graduated from school and are setting up their NCARB record for the first time as well as those who have existing records and need help with IDP.

To get registered, visitors can access NCARB's main website here.

As of April 5th, 2012, the original Intern Development Program has now become IDP 2.0. For all existing NCARB record holders, hours earned in the program prior to April 5th, 2012 have been rolled over into IDP 2.0. To find out more, visit NCARB's IDP 2.0 page here.

The El Paso Associate AIA Chapter is proud to have an internationally diverse group of associates. With the talented emerging professionals who have earned degrees in Mexico and other parts of the world, we would like to offer support and guidance not only for IDP, but also through the Education Evaluation Services for Architects (EESA) process.

To find out more about EESA click here.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding IDP or EESA, please contact Elias Padilla at


  1. Hola Colegas!! Esta Informacion es para los que están haciendo tramite de revalidación de estudios de la UACJ-EESA.

    Para comentarles que fui a la UACJ y esto es lo que hay que hacer:

    Ir a servicios académicos [Atras del Gimnasio Universitario] Llevar una copia del titulo y relación de estudios (Transcript, hoja verde con las materias) y pagar en caja $994.00 pesos [NO aceptan dólares] después ir a la ventanilla #4 con Omar Diaz.
    Yo realice un pago de $194 pesos por dos copias certificadas de los mismos papeles, titulo y relación de estudios. no estoy segura si serán validos como "originales' pero no me gustaría mandar mi titulo original y la relación, porque ya no te los regresan y el titulo y relación cuestan $2500 pesos y no se de tiempo [ a los recién egresados les esta tardando aprox. 1 ano!!!]

    *Tenemos que consultar que es lo que tenemos que mandar como original y si aceptan copias certificadas.

    El siguiente paso es la descripción de los cursos, Estoy trabajando en un formato nuevo mucho mas reducido y ya fui con Pedro por las materias que faltaban del link de la uacj [UACJ>Docentes>Cartas Descriptivas] cuando fui con Pedro a IADA [Coordinacion de ARQ] también me proporcionaron una copia de la acreditación del programa con el Consejo Mexicano de Arquitectura. [ Para aquellos que se graduaron después de Enero del 2010, hay un acuerdo y no estoy muy segura de como funciona o si será un poco mas fácil la revalidación. Tengo que investigar] El Arqui Sergio Moreno se porto muy bien y accesible, las materias que me faltaban eran las electivas, tengo algunas que con gusto las podría compartir. Después de tener el formato nuevo[ en el que estoy trabajando y con gusto lo puedo compartir] me dijeron que tenia que ir a Movilidad Estudiantil que esta en la nueva Rectoria y ver si me podían ayudar con las traducciones sin costo, o si no ir al Centro de Lenguas ya que en Servicios académicos no realizan esas traducciones.
    -Comò dato, preparense para que nadie sepa nada de lo que hablas, largas filas e ir de un lado al otro [a la fecha no saben para cuando me tendrán nada listo]
    Pero espero mi experiencia les sirva para saber un poco mas que hacer o a donde ir. *Cierran la UACJ el 16 o 17 de Junio.

    1. Tambien fui yo el lunes pasado. Practicamente lo mismo ($994 MN por los 2 documentos), y Omar Diaz es quien atiende para las traducciones.

      Tambien me dijo Omar Diaz que en cuanto yo tenga mis traduccinoes de las cartas descriptivas, se lo puedo mandar a el y lo puede imprimir en hojas membretadas o poner el sello de la UACJ en ellos.

    2. For those of you interested here is the google translate version of the above conversation FYI

      -Gracias, Cameron

      Hello Colleagues! This information is for those who are making processed revalidation of studies UACJ-EESA.

      To tell you that I went to the UACJ and this is what you need to do:

      Go to academic services [Back Gym University] Take a copy of the title and relationship studies (Transcript, green leaf with the materials) and pay in cash $ 994.00 pesos [NOT accept U.S.] then go to the window # 4 with Omar Diaz.
      I make a payment of $ 194 pesos for two certified copies of the same roles, title and relationship studies. not sure if it will be valid as 'original' but I would not send my original title and the relationship, because I do not get the return and the title and relative cost $ 2500 pesos and no time [to the new graduates will is taking approx . 1 year!]

      * We have to see what we have to send original and if accepted as certified copies.

      The next step is the description of the courses, I'm working on a new format much smaller and it was with Peter for the materials of any link missing from UACJ [UACJ> Teachers> Letters Descriptive] when I went with Peter to IADA [Coordination ARQ] also gave me a copy of the accreditation of the program with the Mexican Council of Architecture. [For those who graduated after January 2010, there is an agreement and I'm not sure how it works or if it will be a little easier revalidation. I have to investigate] The Arch Sergio Moreno very well behaved and accessible, the materials that I needed were the electives, I have some that would be happy to share. After having the new format [in which I am working and I can be happy to share] told me I had to go to this Student Mobility in the new rectory and see if I could help with translations at no cost, or no go the Language Centre as in academic services do not perform these translations.
      -As data, prepare for anyone knowing anything about what you say, long lines and go forth [to date they do not know when I will have nothing ready]
      But I hope my experience helps them to know a little more to do or where to go. * Ends UACJ 16 or June 17.

      arqbrulo's Reply:

      I also went last Monday. Pretty much the same ($ 994 MN for the 2 documents) and Omar Diaz is who caters for translations.

      Omar Diaz also told me that once I have my traduccinoes of descriptive letters, I can send him and can print on letterhead or stamp the UACJ in them.
